Wednesday, January 21, 2009


In training news I went for a solid 5 mile run that just felt really good so I was happy about that.

Today I figured I'd drop a quick note in about stretching. I was having a beer with Jack Fultz, 1976 Boston Marathon champion, last month and asked him about stretching (no joke, he's our training coach at Dana Farber). He suggested that if you like to exercise first thing in the morning, it's important for you to stretch as your muscles are slightly stiff after a night of sleep. Whereas if you exercise after work it really doesn't make too much of a difference if you stretch or not. Stretching or not stretching, Jack did suggest that you start your run with some warmup walking/jogging and end the run with a cooldown of some sort. I'll assume that the reason behind that suggestion is that it gradually increases your cardio rate to prevent you burning yourself out right away and both warmup and cooldown help prevent you from injuring yourself too. I'll point out a few amazing stretches tomorrow that I find get me ready to go in two minutes.

So come on people, get out there and let's run some miles together :)

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