Sunday, January 18, 2009

Long-Run Sunday

All marathon training regimes focus on two things - increased mileage per week and long runs. During the week I like to get my miles in and keep a pace that is close, but just below, the pace I want to run on race day (8 minute miles - which puts me at 3:30 marathon although secretly I'd love to run around 3:15 so that I have hope of qualifying for Boston one of these days). Today, with 91 days, 15 hours until the start (you'd find this amusing if you read the last post), I went for an 8 mile run. While the nice thing about long runs is that I can pull the pace back as I'm just focusing on getting the distance in, the downside of course is that it's a lot of time and I'm always sore the next day.

Well my posts are probably too long usually so I'll keep this one short and simple.

I encourage you all to run some miles with me and let me know how things are going.

And if you are so inclined, please consider donating to Dana Farber for whom I'm running the Boston Marathon.

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